Hello World!


I’m currently writing this on apple notes, where most of my ideas go. But if you’re reading this, then you’re reading it on my personal website/blog. The point of this is to really ruminate and solidify my rambling rants and ideas. To put it to pixels and follow through on my thoughts to see if it really sticks or if it’s just a fanciful thought.

As it turns out potential employers don’t seem to believe I can do what I know I can do. I don’t blame them, I don’t believe in God either, no matter what his resume says. 

So this website will be my own personal digital proving grounds. I’ll document and present software experiments and post my rants and raves. It will be sarcastic, cynical, and hopefully informative. 

On the off chance that someone found this blog organically, I’d love feedback, advice and ideas. And as soon as I figure out how to accept this I’ll have a method to do so placed conveniently somewhere.